Joining the Dojo/Learning Aikido

Dojo Photo

Do you think you may be interested in Joining our dojo?

Joining a Dojo can be exciting and challenging. The first step to joining us is to come and try a class. Remember, training in a martial arts system is about taking action, if you’d like to join our Dojo the first step you’ll have to take is to come try a class. Your fist class at Aikido of Fresno is free of charge. It’s important that you get a taste of what training is like before you sign up. We recommend that your first class be a “Kihon” (basic) or “General Aikido” class, however if your main focus of training is weapons or modern Aikido, you can try either of these as your first class as well.

Becoming a member of a Dojo is different then joining a gym or taking a college class. Joining a Dojo means becoming a member of a community, with this comes support and responsibility. As an adult one shouldn’t join a Dojo with a flippant attitude. Aikido training is for everyone! If you believe you are interested in Aikido, don’t let age stop you, we have Dojo members from the age of 4 age all the way up to 72! What is important is personal commitment. Please take a moment to assess your interest, ask yourself if you are really interested in joining a Dojo. If you are please pursue that interest to it’s fullest give to the experience and find out if being a member of a Dojo is really for you. A teacher can only show the way, you must follow the path.


Is Aikido training for me?


Dojo Membership, Fees and Requirements:

Adult membership (those over 12 years of age) is $95 a month. There is a first time registration fee of $65 which includes your Dogi (uniform). We have no legal term contracts here at Aikido of Fresno. We expect you to hold yourself accountable, once you become a member of the dojo you are expected to pay your membership fees on time and consecutively.

Aiki Kids and Aiki Jr. membership:

Our classes for children are split into two groups – ages 7-11 (Aiki Jr.) and ages 4-6 (Aiki Kids). You are welcome to bring your child to try a free class. The membership for children 7-11 is $75 and for children 4-6 is $65 a month, with a one time $65 registration fee which includes your child’s Dogi (uniform). There are is no contract or legal obligation for membership. We don’t have legal term contracts at Aikido Fresno, as parents you are expected to make sure your child’s fees are paid on a regular and timely basis.


Giving yourself the best chance at success:

The first step to beginning Aikido training is to try your first class. The first class is always free, and gives you the opportunity to see how the dojo works and if it might be for you. If you are serious about learning Aikido, you should come to your first class ready to sign up if you like the class. Often potential students will come to their first class, and love it, planning to come in and sign up another day. Often, it will be hard to motivate yourself to come to that second class. However if you sign up and pay your membership fees, you will be much more likely to start training. It takes awhile to make Aikido training a habitual practice. If you are serious about learning Aikido, you must shift your mind into that place as soon as possible. Remember we have no term contracts, if you ever feel that Aikido is not for you, you can stop training at any time. If you are truly interested you must give yourself the best chance at success, if you like the class, be prepared to sign up.

Interested in taking the first step?

If you think joining our Dojo and learning the martial art of Aikido might be for you,
please come and try a class.
If you have further questions, you can call us at:


or send us an email:

Otherwise, check the schedule and show up to your first class!